Sunday, September 25, 2011

HeartFelt - crafted with love

I've been a crafter for a long time. Probably all my life. I remember going into my late Grandmother's "craft room" in her tiny little house and sorting through all her junk -- mostly wooden beads, and boy were they icky. I even found a few critters (worms) crawling around the bins. But I was fascinated! At one point in time she told me she was leaving the entire contents of her room to me in her will. I guess she used it all up, because I never saw anything after she died...

I've dabbled in a lot of crafts, and finally found my niche in wool. I love wool. I love the feel of it in my hands. I love the way raw wool ("in the grease") smells and feels. I love to wash it and card it and pull out all the barnyard boogies, and turn it into lovely soft roving. One day, I want to have a flock of sheep. And alpacas - oh, alpacas!

My intention is for this blog to be a means to an end, so to speak. I have a business - I sell to a couple local shops and to individuals looking for unique gifts or handcrafted items. I plan on doing a lot of craft fairs this fall. I want to share my craft with the blogger world, and will (hopefully) show you from start to finish how I create my products. And I hope to learn some things in the process!

Happy Crafting!


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